Senator Blackburn Joins GOP Colleagues in Introducing Ukraine Security Assistance and Russia Sanctions Legislation


Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) joined 33 Republican colleagues in introducing the Never Yielding Europe’s Territory (NYET) Act to provide the “critical support Ukraine needs to defend itself and deter Russian aggression, while imposing real costs on the Kremlin for its ongoing and potential future aggression against Ukraine.”

According to a press release by Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), a co-sponsor of the legislation, the NYET Act:

Imposes real costs on Russia:

  • Immediately stops construction of the Nord Stream 2 project and would mandate sanctions on the project without a waiver should Russia invade. Prior to an invasion, the bill suspends sanctions for as long as the German government continues to suspend the certification process.
  • Sends a clear deterrent message to Putin that an invasion of Ukraine will result in massive economic consequences to Russia’s economy, including:
  • Sanctions on major Russian banks; and
  • Secondary sanctions on European and international banks that continue business with sanctioned Russian banks.
  • Sanctions Putin’s cronies, enablers, and major banks before Russia further invades Ukraine to ensure Putin pays a price now for hybrid attacks already launched.
  • Allows any chairman or ranking member of a national security committee to force a determination from the president on whether Russia’s aggression against Ukraine constitutes a major escalation and fulfills conditions to trigger sanctions.

Supports Ukraine before, during, and after a Russian escalation:

  • Provides $500 million in Foreign Military Financing (FMF) for Ukraine, including $250 million in emergency funding, with $100 million for emergency lethal assistance for critical capabilities like air defense, anti-armor, and anti-ship capabilities.
  • Creates a new Ukraine Resistance Fund to help Ukraine resist attempts to occupy or subjugate any new territory Russia seizes, while sending a clear message to Putin that his military will pay a price for advances into sovereign Ukrainian territory.
  • Authorizes a new Lend-Lease authority for Ukraine.
  • Expedites congressional review of arms sales and security assistance to Ukraine.

Counters Russian malign influence and aggression throughout Europe:

  • Doubles funding for U.S. military exercises in Europe.
  • Creates a new State Department FMF program for Eastern Europe to help European allies strengthen their own defensive capabilities and incentivize greater burden-sharing.
  • Boosts funding for State Department efforts to counter Russian disinformation, including the Global Engagement Center, and expands broadcasting by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network.
Photo “Sen. Marsha Blackburn” by Gage Skidmore CC BY-SA 2.0. Background Photo “Ukrainian Troops” by Ukraine Ministry of Defense CC BY-SA 2.0.

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9 Thoughts to “Senator Blackburn Joins GOP Colleagues in Introducing Ukraine Security Assistance and Russia Sanctions Legislation”

  1. Trevor

    Weak Marsha! You broke your promise to Tennesseans to support the voter integrity act on January 6! You kept you promise to RINO Mitch McConnell! Will you support Senator Rick Scott’s senate plan to support term limits, balanced budget and fiscal responsibility? Or will you continue to be silent in McConnell? You have been in Washington since 2003 and my life as a Tennesseans is not any better! The federal budget is out of co trim as is federal debt!

    1. Mark Knofler

      Talk about tone deaf, this woman takes the cake. She’s all about Marsha and trotting out the Turtle’s talking points. #VotetheBumsOut!

  2. Abilgail

    We seriously need to vote this little woman OUT. She is part of the cabal. If we had true pro-America representation in Congress, someone would be doing something about OUR border and the massive corruption being perpetrated upon the American people!!

  3. william delzell

    Go risk your own life over there, Blackburn! Leave the lives and safety of our young people alone!

  4. karen

    There is NO crisis in Ukraine! It’s all made up by the obiden team to keep focus on anything but their failings in our country. Sorry Marsha, we ain’t buying it!

  5. John

    And what about all those left behind in Afghanistan, Marsha?? Oh I guess that was yesterday’s news and not important anymore.

    Your worthless empty suit butt is going to get primaried out of office.

  6. Marsha, Marsha, Marsha. Where else would you like to waste our money.
    China is in the house and they’re worried about Russia.

  7. David Blackwell RN, BSN, CCM

    How about securing our own border first? Idiot blonde.

    1. Nancy

      I agree with you! Please secure our southern border!
